Guild Meeting

Today we had a meeting.It firstly started of with a farewell and a thanks to Bewuki Okobi for his work in our rows.After the farewell of one Mercenary,we got 5 new soldier to test the trial period.We welcome Omega Fusion, Wizard Kromo, Maelways, Mit and Sir Dominicus to our family. Work hard and make us proud! After the announcement about our Trials, Stormhawk was given the word and a announcement about his retiring was given to us. " weeks from now, he will retire as a Mercenary! May the hellfire be with you Stormhawk and we thank you for your astonishing work and storys! Also a punishment was given to Faran Al TorRoshak. He is to stay in Fibula and not allowed leaving until Leaders say otherwise. Also a new rank was installed. "Inactive member", this rank will be for numags who are inactive for 6 months or more.

Author: "Tithralad"